Our Mission The Alamo Area Disability Alliance will link business, nonprofit, local government and community partners to increase employment opportunities for people with disabilities and educate employers on how to recruit, hire and retain employees with disabilities.

The Mission of the San Antonio Lighthouse for the Blind is to provide rehabilitation services and employment opportunities that will enable blind and visually impaired individuals to live high quality, independent lives

The Mission of Workforce Solutions Alamo is to build a premier workforce in America by providing employers and residents with the opportunities, resources and services to develop and gain a competitive edge in the global economy.

Our Mission: The San Antonio Public Library changes lives through the transformative power of information, imagination and ideas.

Our Mission: The Texas Department on Aging and Disability Services (DADS) provides a comprehensive array of aging and disability services, supports, and opportunities that are easily accessed in local communities.

Mission: The Unicorn Centers, Inc. is a community-based, church-sponsored agency with a Call from God to minister to persons with intellectual developmental disabilities by developing job and life skills and integrating individuals into supported employment by creating natural community supports.